
This module contains the classes dedicated to trace agent activities during the simulation. Events describes different kind of traced activities and are generated during the simulation.

/!It is should be mentioned that the event objects store in the trace point to objects that may be modified by the end of the simulation. For instance, given a GenerationEvent, display the ‘position’ attribute of the generated agent at the end of the simulation will output its final position in the simulation, and not its origin.

Module Contents



This class represents the trace of a simulation element


This class represents a traced element of the simulation



Adds a LeaveSimulationEvent with cause end of simulation to

class starling_sim.basemodel.trace.trace.Trace

This class represents the trace of a simulation element

It contains events that describe their states and actions


event – Event object, describing the traced event


class starling_sim.basemodel.trace.trace.Traced(element_id)

This class represents a traced element of the simulation

Other classes may extend it to be able to trace their actions


Give a string display to the simulation element


Give a string display to the simulation element


Adds a Event to the trace, with the current timestamp :param event: Traced event :return:

log_message(message, lvl=AGENT_LEVEL)

Logs the message in the logger using the class data

  • message – Message displayed in agent log

  • lvl – level value, default is AGENT_LEVEL


Adds a LeaveSimulationEvent with cause end of simulation to all agents that didn’t leave during the simulation.